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Monday, October 09, 2006
posted by G!M @11:21 AM

Haha yeah, I agree with Justin about the inability of so many of us in maintaining the blog. What is up people ? It is always the case I guess, when the blog just began and everyone would post so often, after the novelty of this wore off, posts got less and less often.

So what now ?

Come on guys, would it take a few hours just to post some random thoughts ? I know it has been a while since the class met up and stuff, but it would not hurt to post something at least right ?

Oh and I will be back on the 18th of November. If anyone plans to hijack any planes, DO NOT do it on that day. Thanks.

PS : I SERIOUSLY dislike people from P.R.C. Bloody buggers. Hosts of 2008 Olympics ? I would more readily boycott it because they are neglecting human rights. Evicting people without compensation for the sake of building stadiums for the olympics and such. What a bloody disgrace. They are annoying the crap out of me man. Someone please silence my neighbour.

PROFILE - class


00 carolyn
01 eehui
02 hema
03 angela
04 michelle
05 shuhuan
06 hannah
07 nita
08 gim
09 hidayah
10 diyana
11 zarifah
12 shwetha
13 merina
14 weixiang
15 justin
16 choonhong
17 murali
18 yongxiang
19 chinni
20 tianlin
21 bernard
22 qinxian


Biology - ms goh/ms loh
Chemistry - mr tan/mdm lee
Maths C - mrs chan
General Paper - mr kong/ms lim/ms charis

Other SUBS Offered:
project work
mother tongue - chen hong/ mrs x
mother tongue A - tablecloth